Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin

La Luce del Nord

Corale da Camera Ahjo Ensemble
Paavo Hyökki, Maestro della Corale

Ingresso libero

Mäntyjärvi – Rautavaara – Komulainen – Cser – Kreek – Chydenius - Pärt – Linkola

La Luce del Nord nasce dai contrasti: da una parte le nebbie dense delle Notti Polari alle quali i corpi celesti e l’Aurora Boreale donano una pallida luce; dall’altra l’inebriante luminosità della piena estate che permane nella notte. In autunno e in inverno la natura intorno a noi è quasi in bianco e nero, fino a quando la primavera restituisce i colori e nel corso di un paio di mesi estivi il paesaggio si riempie di infinite tonalità di verde.

Nelle opere del concerto si ripetono gli stessi temi del buio e della luce. Le tematiche delle dolorose tragedie umane danno lo spunto per diverse composizioni ma come tema principale nella musica emergono sempre la luminosità, la consolazione e la forza che risplendono nel buio. Il programma è incentrato sulla nuova musica finlandese ma ci sono anche opere di compositori estoni e ungheresi, nostri popoli fratelli.


Ahjo Ensemble
Conducted by Paavo Hyökki

Free entry

Mäntyjärvi – Rautavaara – Komulainen – Cser – Kreek – Chydenius - Pärt - Linkola

The light of the north is made of contrasts: Of the deep twilight of the polar nights, into which the heavenly bodies and northern lights render their pale glow, and of the midsummer's stunning brightness, shining all through the night. Throughout the fall and the winter, the nature around us turns almost monochrome, until the spring returns with all its colors and for few summery months the landscape is bursting with endless tones of green.

The musical works of this Ahjo Ensemble's concert deal with similar reoccurring themes of darkness and light. Subject matters of distressing yet humane tragedies provide a setting for many compositions, where the music is enhanced by the darkness de-feating, forever shining brightness, comfort, and strength. The repertoire weighs mainly on Finnish music but includes also works by Estonian and Hungarian composers.

Ahjo Ensemble is a Helsinki based chamber choir founded in 2013. Choir’s mission is to perform versatile and high-quality choir music without any limitations of repertoire. From the beginning Ahjo has been focusing on performing contemporary Finnish choir music, whilst taking part in various Finnish classical music events, cooperating with the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and UMO Jazz Orchestra and enriching cross-genre music productions at Flow and Helsingin Juhlaviikot festivals. Ahjo Ensemble is a finalist of the V International Harald Andérsen Chamber Choir Competition. The choir is conducted by Paavo Hyökki.