Julia Lainema (2021 - )
Picture: Teemu Mattsson
Julia Lainema graduated from the Sibelius Academy's choral conducting program with a master’s degree in music in summer 2022. Before that, she graduated from the same university’s music education subject group with a master's degree.
Julia is particularly interested in developing the choir's sound and intonation, communicating with the singers and strengthening the singers' own artistry. Her passion is open-minded repertoire design, and creation of such concert experiences that would be interesting for both singers and listeners.
In addition to the Ahjo Ensemble, Julia also works as creative director of Kaari Ensemble, Lempikuoro and Näsi chamber choir. She makes adaptations and composes choir music, as well as has organised various choir events. Julia is a member of the Equality Committee of the Suomen kuoronjohtajayhdistys (Assosiation of Finnish choir conductors), and writes about choir-related topics in her blog "Kuoromusiikin säveltävät naiset" ("Women composing choir music").
Previous Artistic Directors
Paavo Hyökki (Master of Music), 2013-2020